OxygenForLife.net Newsletter #3
Oxygen and Metabolism By Bernd Friendlander, D.C.
LET'S LIVE July 1988, p.80 Dr. Friedlander is a member of our Medical Advisory Board. He is in private chiropractic practice in
Santa Monica, California. He's an athletic trainer and nutritional consultant to several basketball teams, the University of California, Los Angeles, athletic department, and to track and field
athletes throughout the West. [LET'S LIVE, July 1988, p. 80]
Most medicines that are used for the treatment of symptoms are composed of substances that are foreign to the body. Concentrated
nutritive medicines fall in this category because the body usually cannot assimilate them. Even more dangerous are those symptomatic medicines that are composed of severe and toxic poisons.
Throughout our daily activity, a portion of our energy is lost in the form of heat; this process simultaneously uses up a portion of all our cells.
In order to replenish these used cells and to supply
energy and heat for the body, we have to ingest fuel in the form of food. This food is chewed in the mouth where saliva is added. Next, it is "kneaded" in the stomach, where digestive
juices are simultaneously added.
In contrast, the useful nutritive substances necessary for the individual organs undergo further chemical processes. These processes occur with the help of the
glands and their secretions. After further purification and filtration, these nutritive substances enter the bloodstream in liquid form, where they are brought to the individual organs by the
tiniest capillaries.
Oxygen becomes active in blood. It enters the lungs and attaches itself to the hemoglobin of the blood and reaches the cells through the arterial blood, thus replenishing
an oxygen-deficient body. Energy and heat are then created, as well as protein material for the cells, uric acid, carbohydrates, and fats in the form of carbolic acid. This metabolic exchanges is
of the most basic importance for the body. This process of metabolic exchange in the cells is scientifically known as physiological oxidation. It creates heat that is partially used by the body to
maintain its vital temperature and creates energy that is necessary for the maintenance of both muscles and mind.
This process of intake (nourishment) is now made complete by the process of
outtake (the elimination of metabolic residues). The solid residues are eliminated by the intestines, and the liquid residues by the urine, as well as in the form of sweat. Gaseous residues, e.g.,
carbon dioxide, are expelled by the lungs. It is the task of oxygen to facilitate metabolism so that these residues can be easily eliminated.
If under these circumstances metabolism is not able to take
place with its requisite completeness and rapidity, then all manner of unfavorable (and to the patient, threatening) symptoms become noticeable.
Treatment at this beginning stage can
prevent or hinder the outbreak of more serious illness. However, this seldom occurs and, therefore, the cause of the disorders continues. The weakening of the blood and the organs progresses further.
The oxygen-deficient blood is no longer able to supply the needs of the organs, not even their minimal nourishment.
Without oxygen, there can be no nourishment. Without nourishment, no heat
and no energy can be created, and the body cannot purify itself. The unhindered development of this metabolic process results in a circumstance that we call sound health.
There are two
types of metabolic disturbances. First, they result from the overexertion of our body (too much food, too much drink, irritating substances, sexual excesses). Second, they result from the neglect
of our body (improper skin care, inactivity, poor breathing).
The most important cause of metabolic disorders, oxygen-deficient blood, is most noticeable by the creation of uric acid. This
widely dispersed bodily poison is the basic cause of all chronic illnesses. The layman thinks of uric acid as a liquid. It may appear in solution, but as a rule it is a fine crystal powder. Because of
its difficult solubility, it's very dangerous.
The dangerous effects of uric acid next show themselves in symptoms of a general illness. This leads to a loss of appetite and sleep,
listlessness, and physical and mental inactivity. The poisonous effects of the uric acid lead to further illnesses, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, gout and kidney infections, and gallbladder stones.
Iron-poor blood and jaundice have their origins in the pollution of the blood and its diminished alkalescence.
Further advances of the metabolic illness are then noticeable in the urine
production of uric acid and gall secretions, sugar and protein production, and functioning of the muscle of the stomach and intestines, as well as the mucous membrane of these organs whose secretions are
restricted by the oxygen deficiency.
This stage of the metabolic disorder is apparent in stomach and intestinal illnesses and their countless accompanying, symptoms, in diseases of the
liver and gallbladder, diabetes, chronic skin diseases, kidney infections, and illnesses of the respiratory organs (nasal and larynx catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and collapse of the lung).
Bodily poisons and metabolic residues also collect in the skin, kidneys, and lungs.
As soon as the production of uric acid and intestinal poisons reaches a certain stage, the organs and
their individual cells become so weak that they function only at a minimal level. If they receive too little nourishment, the result is severe stomach and intestinal disturbances and diseases of the
liver and pancreas. If they receive too little oxygen, the result is severe lung, heart, and blood diseases, and most lymph gland and bone marrow diseases. If the difficulty of either oxygen or
nourishment continues, even this minimal level will not be sufficient to sustain the body; all functions will be suspended.
At this point, individual body cells begin to die. not just the
individual cells, but the entire organs - indeed the entire body - will die.
In order to regain sound health, the body must be supported in its efforts to ingest sufficient oxygen. This
will lead to a revitalized energy, the production of heat and strength, and cleansing of all foreign substances. All important metabolic processes are dependent upon oxygen, and are only possible with
the help of oxygen. Hence, oxygen is the saviour in all metabolic illnesses.